Quick scans

Quick Scan Accommodation Study Thermenmuseum Heerlen

Client: Municipality of Heerlen

Period: 2008

Details:  The assignment was to give a qualitative evaluation of various variants of an accommodation study carried out on behalf of the Thermenmuseum in Heerlen. The qualitative evaluation focused in particular on the question how the variants relate to the developments in the museum sector and which cultural yields can be expected in terms of public reach and profile for the city. Finally, the study needed to map out the consequences of the variants for the operation of the Thermenmuseum.

Result:   Study report in the form of a quick scan, accompanied by conclusions and recommendations for an administrative decision.

In collaboration with: BMC Consultants, Amersfoort

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Quick Scan relocation Museum Jan Cunen Oss

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Client: Municipality of Oss

Period: 2007

Details:  It was studied by means of a quick scan what the options are for re-accommodating Museum Jan Cunen in the factory halls with shed roofs of the former Bergoss Carpet Factory in the town centre. Using several scenarios, it was required to make clear what the museum at this new location could mean for the town and its inhabitants and what the investment costs would amount to.

Result:   A report incorporating a global programme of requirements, as well as a draft design for the museum at its new location. Scenarios were elaborated on a variety of ambition levels, and insight was provided into which extra significance the museum could have for the town and its inhabitants if it moved to the factory complex. The scenarios were finally put in a financial perspective in terms of investment and operation.

In collaboration with: Hendriks Bna Architects, Heesch

State of affairs: The quick scan and the incorporated growth scenario for the museum were adopted by the municipal executive. On the basis of this decision, the municipal council made a preparatory loan available at the end of 2007 to finance the further elaboration of the plans.

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Quick Scan operational management Westfries Museum Hoorn

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Client: Municipality of Hoorn

Period: 2004-2005

Details:  The execution of a Quick Scan focusing on the operational management of Westfries Museum.

Result:   Report (March 2005) providing an analysis of Westfries Museum on the basis of the so-called INK management model, accompanied by a number of conclusions and recommendations.

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Quick scan of the plans for new construction of the Nederlands Tegelmuseum in Otterlo

Client: The Board of ‘Stichting Nederlands Tegelmuseum’

Period: 2002

Details:  Evaluation of the museum’s plans for new construction in the Bospoort area in Ede and advisement with regard to the follow-up steps that need to be taken.

Result:   Report ‘Quick Scan herhuisvestingsplannen Nederlands Tegelmuseum’ (Quick Scan Relocation Plans Nederlands Tegelmuseum, December 2002).

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